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From: Ralph Barbagallo <>
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Subject: Testing (sorta)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 10:15:27 -0400 (EDT)
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> I haven't seen any of my messages from my
> account echoed on this mailing list, so I'm trying from my school account.
> Anyway, how do I prevent blitter objects from cutting into my
> background when using double buffering? I'm doing an invaders clone
> (trying to duplicate Atari 2600 Space Invaders as well as I can) but the
> ship at the bottom of the screen keeps cutting a HUGE block of blackness
> out of the strip of land at the bottom. How do I prevent this?
> Also, how do you play mods? I've used the playmod command after
> loading one in, but it will play the mod and then crash saying it can't
> free memory or something. I've got 4 megs of RAM, 2 of which are Chip on
> my why can't it free memory, I only had maybe 1 or 2 bobs zipping
> around (edited the blitting demo included in with BB2)
> If I toss a library file into the Biltzlibs directory, will the